When the muse calls...

Sometimes a muse calls and you don't see it coming. It's a story worth telling as a New Year opens. I am often self-conscious about my geeky-nerdy interests in things like old railroads, airplanes, wonderful foods, and craft beers. I certainly post less about the scale modeling experience on open media like Facebook and share those thoughts more often with like-minded folks through other avenues like modeling clubs, e-mail blasts, on-line forums, and, more recently, t his blog. Fall 2017 Railroad Heritage Cover Art I came to a better understanding of my urge to write about my experiences when I read an article last fall, published in the Center for Railroad Photography & Art 's Railroad Heritage magazine by fellow academic Richard Koenig. He wrote: But photographs, regardless of the subject matter, are inert by themselves - they need to be viewed and interrogated by an audience to take on and impart their meaning Koenig wrote about his engagement ...